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About Us

Snake River Press was founded in 2006 by Peter Bridgewater, in a conscious move away from mass-market publishing and back to the integrity of thoughtful, well-made books.

With an enduring love of Sussex, Peter lives within sight of a spectacular floodplain where the Cuckmere River snakes into the English Channel. This magical setting was the inspiration for Snake River Press, and you can see the distinctive landscape reflected in our logo.

Our trademark is great editorial mixed with superb design. We commission expert authors to write clear, entertaining and thought-provoking texts, alongside talented artists who create memorable imagery. We then apply exceptionally high production values to every stage of the manufacturing process, from the choice of typefaces to the stylish bindings.

Peter Bridgewater
As founder of Snake River Press and with a dread of dreary places, it seems fitting that Peter Bridgewater has chosen to write about the more quirky side of his adopted county. Originally an Essex boy, he came to Sussex to study graphics at Brighton College of Art and liked it so much he stayed. He still lives and works in the area, co-founding The Ivy Press in Lewes in 1996. His work as a creative book designer has won him international acclaim. Snake River Press is a move away from mass-market publishing back to cottage-industry basics of making beautiful books. He has previously authored two design reference books: An Introduction to Graphic Design (1987) and Halftone Effects (1993), as well as sharing another side of his life in Mindfulness and the Journey of Bereavement: Restoring Hope After Death (2015).